Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Whoa, Where Have I Been?

Well time for this blogger to re-enter the blogosphere. I know I have been gone for a long time, by all faults of my own. I thought I'd catch up with you all, though. To be honest, I have not been into cross stitching like crazy lately.. Which is very sad to me. I'm truly hoping this blog post will help me get back into the swing of it. Since my last post I have had three new starts and zero finish.. pretty bad luck.
I started another ornament cross stitch, but since Christmas passed I put it back into my stash. I hope to see this one get picked back up around September again.
Winter Song by Dimensions / 2.75" x 4.75" / 14 Count Plastic Canvas / 15 Colors (provided)
I also started an anniversary sampler for my parents 25 wedding anniversary coming later this year, more to come on this one later. I have currently set it to the side but might need to pick it back up seeing as it has a dead line.
Celebrating Anniversary Record by Dimensions / 12" x 9" / 14 Count Ivory Aida / 17 Colors (provided)
Lastly, I have started my very first Stitch A-Long! Yay! Much more to come on this one! Although I am not the biggest fan of the first pattern, but I am beyond stoked for the ones to come. I must admit I have little to no progress on this one.. So I've got to get back on my cross stitching game and soon!
Once Upon A Time by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery / 11.5" x 17.75" / 28 Count Linen / 23 Colors (DMC)
Not a whole lot going on but I for sure need to get to work on them. I shall be starting a blogging schedule soon, so look forward to that. Though for now I need to work on my stitching.